Life Hacks - Page 10

A good life hack makes everything better. Whether you're looking to boost your creativity and productivity, or just want to simplify your day, find ways to make it all easier here.


Unlock Your Mind's Potential With AI and Brainwave Training

Dr. Patrick Porter shares insights on brain frequencies and brainwave entrainment, explaining how they help us manage stress and anxiety.

Money & Finance

This Former Statistics Professor Has Made Over $1 Million 'Investing' in Sports. These Are the 2 Tactics He's Using to Bet on the Super Bowl.

"To me, this is like Christmas," David Beaudoin says of the national sporting event. "This is the most lucrative day of the year."

Side Hustle

This Former Amazon Employee Started a Side Hustle Because She Wanted 'Lifestyle Freedom' — Now Her Business Earns $100,000 a Month

Julie Berninger, former tech project manager and current Etsy shop owner, successfully transitioned her side hustle into a full-scale business, Gold City Ventures.


'Benign Neglect' Is a Parenting Style That Makes Children More Confident, Experts Say — Here's How to Do It Right

When practiced effectively, "benign neglect" can foster happiness and independence, paving the path for a child's long-term success.

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Breaking Out of the Matrix — How to Take Control of Your Life and Create a More Fulfilling Future

Find freedom and fulfillment by embracing new paths and opening your mind to abnormal experiences.


A Japanese Wellness Technique Could Be the CEO's Secret to Health and Productivity

You don't have to drop off the radar to be surrounded by nature, as well as reap the productivity benefits.

Starting a Business

A Former McKinsey Consultant Used This Not-So-'Sexy' Mindset to Take Her 'Healthy Indulgence' Snack Brand From Her Kitchen to 4,000 Retailers

Sabeena Ladha, founder and CEO of DEUX, drew on her childhood love of sweets and experience in the food space to create a different kind of snack company.

Business News

These Are the 5 Best States for an Affordable and Leisure-Filled Retirement, According to a New Report

More than half (56%) of American workers believe they're behind on saving for retirement.

Business News

This Simple Personal Finance Hack Started as a Joke — But It's Actually Helping People Save Money, Experts Say

Turns out, the trend that gained traction on TikTok could get you closer to your financial goals.

Business News

U.S. Workers Really Want to Retire Young, According to Their Google Searches

There's been a spike in searches asking about retirement ages. Here's each state's dream age to say goodbye to the daily grind.

Business News

Don't Say This Word on a Cruise Ship, Warns a Passenger Whose Major Faux Pas Shocked Other Travelers and Crew

TikTok influencer Marc Sebastian learned the hard way that some words are better left on the shore.

Health & Wellness

Adopt These 9 Habits and You'll Be Unrecognizable By the End of 2024

Beyond gratitude, SPF, and making your bed, these habits will help you better succeed in business, life and relationships.


Rejection Doesn't Have to Be a Bad Thing. Here's How You Can Use It as a Tool for Success.

Rejection can actually be helpful if you look at it the right way. Use these expert tips to embrace it.